WOW Wear Our Word Workshop

I can’t change.
This is just how I am.
I don’t know HOW to change.

When we’re stuck, we’re taught to PICK A GOAL, maybe even a New Year’s resolution, because that goal will help us get unstuck. Except, when/if we can’t meet that goal all the way, or the way we think we should have, we blame ourselves for not trying hard enough, and then we write a story about how lazy and unchangeable we are.

Gals, it’s a set-up. That’s not how life works.

The spaces and places between your goals and your end-goals is where life happens, and MOST OF LIFE is unpredictable, dubious, and most certainly outside your control.

Which is why I say to hell with all of those just-out-of-reach goals that are steeped in perfectionism and an insatiable craving of worthiness, and WELCOME to the RESOLUTION REVEL-YOU-TION!

That’s right. We are DONE playing a game that’s rigged against us. A game steeped in patriarchy, misogyny, racism, and capitalism. A game that is dead set on seeing us fail.

Together, we’re gonna play by a new set of rules. Rules that encourage us to know what we know, embrace our humanity, and encourage us to REVEL in our own darn bodies and minds.

That’s what our Word of the Year allows us to do.

It allows us to see the direction we wanna head, LOCK EYEBALLS WITH IT, move forward one step at a time, everyday, for a whole year, knowing full well that we’ve got everything we need INSIDE OF US to create the change we’re seeking.

Admitting that you’re stuck or hurt or sad or unhappy doesn’t mean you’re broken. It means you’re a HUMAN BEING. And believing that HEALING + CHANGING IS POSSIBLE makes you a g’damn HUMAN BEING.

Starting out the year with a word and/or theme in our pocket is good. But how are you gonna hold it tight for the entire year? How are you gonna live it? Breathe it? Become it?

WEARING YOUR WORD is a way to INTEGRATE YOUR WORD (your work) into your everyday life, and remind you what you’re made of. That change is possible. That you’ve got everything you need to become free, untethered, soul-filled, wild.

The number one thing that holds SO MANY WOMEN BACK from realizing their dreams isn’t that they’re not strong enough, smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough, rich enough. It’s not that they’re lazy, indolent, undisciplined suckers.

It’s that they’re measuring themselves up against a broken system that has set them up to fail.

So they hide. Fly under the radar. Become invisible.

The moment you integrate your WORD (your work) into HOW YOU SHOW UP IN THE WORLD, it’s game over. The entire system crumbles, and you come out standing on your own two feet. Believing in yourself. Loving yourself. So very proud of your own damn self.

And here in WOW!, you better believe we'll be SHOWING UP. Together. In sisterhood. Because if I've learned anything after leading THOUSANDS of women on a journey toward radical self love, it's this:


When you got me, and I got you. TOGETHER, we can do ANYTHING.


I had done word of the year for a couple of years, but doing it with Stasia was different. Her honesty, grit, humor, insightfulness, and ability to build community are something I keep coming back to. Stasia makes me want to be better, provides a template for how to get myself there, and helps me see myself through loving eyes. She also facilitates a network of support that sometimes feels like a warm bathrobe and a fireplace on a cold stormy night, and at other times feels like an army of powerful women walking side by side with me into battle.
— Heather O.

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ONCE YOUR PAYMENT HAS POSTED, I’LL SEND YOU A GIFT CERTIFICATE (registration instructions included).

 Pre-Workshop Worksheets + Videos

Whether you've been choosing a Word of the Year (WOTY) for a decade, or this is your very first time choosing a WOTY, my pre-workshop, "Choosing Your Word" worksheets and videos were designed for you.

Choosing your word can feel like a high-stakes endeavor, because geez, it's your WORD, for an entire year, so the pressure to get it right feels real. And I'm here to let you know you can breathe easy because believe it or not... you already know your word. It's likely been nibbling away at the edges of your consciousness for a while, whispering to you, guiding you toward what’s next. All you have to do is LISTEN.

Once you complete the pre-workshop "Choosing Your Word" worksheets, you'll either have your WORD tucked neatly into your pocket, or it’ll be right there, on the tip of your tongue, just waiting to be revealed.


January 4 - January 10

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During this first week of WOW!, we're going to shake off the-hardest-year-in-recent-history, metabolize what needs metabolizing, listen deeply, remember who we are, and prepare our hearts for what's next.

We’ll also begin to see how our closets can support us in our work, because for many of you, your closet is a shame-filled space that taunts you, calls you names, and is constantly comparing you to before-times. You know... before you had kids, before you hit menopause, before your body changed.

Gals, it’s time to get back to what matters.

YOU. YOU matter. And we're going to RECOVER what it means to be YOU.


January 11 - January 17

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Now that you've settled into yourself a bit, we're going to put on our explorer-caps, and DISCOVER exactly what it looks like to Wear Our Word. It's the moment when curiositywonder, and play step into the driver's seat, and lead us exactly where we want to go!

If you've ever been on a road trip before, then you now that sometimes in order to go north, you gotta head south. And that sometimes where you THINK you're headed, isn't always where you land.

Discovery requires bravery. It requires letting go of perfectionism. It requires a big HELL YES to the great mystery.


January 18 - January 24

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Now that you've done the work of RECOVERING who you are, and DISCOVERING what it means to wear your word... it's time to UNCOVER all the ways your word is going to support you.

You're not picking a word because it's trendy. You're picking a word because it has the power to change your damn life. You are going to dig into all the ways you can USE your word as a lens through which you filter your life's experiences. EVERYTHING you do can be filtered through your word, and it takes some practice to figure HOW to do that.

Together, we're going to practice. In community. In sisterhood. In bravery.

Hi, I’m Stasia!

I've been picking and wearing a WOTY for 7 years now, and it has done more to CHANGE MY LIFE than anything else. Value. Bravery. Fierce Femininity. Play. Ease. CEO. Disrupt. All WORDS that scared me. All things I never thought I could be or feel or experience or do. All words that I practiced integrating, fusing, becoming, until I could feel them inside my bones.

My word is ALWAYS linked to where I’m stuck. It’s a behavior or characteristic or self deprecating thought pattern that’s been around for a long time, and it needs shifting in order for me to fully stand in my power. Getting UNSTUCK is hard, behavior-changing WORK, and it takes me a full year to CULTIVATE - INTEGRATE - BECOME this new, TRUER version of me.

xo Stasia


Praesent id libero id metus varius consectetur ac eget diam. Nulla felis nunc, consequat laoreet lacus id.
— Hope K.

When you say HELL YES to WOW!
I've got your back!

Live Class Calls

Most online courses offer pre-recorded-from-four-years-ago content. I've chosen NOT TO DO THAT for this course because I want to keep the content fresh and applicable so I can integrate what's happening in the world INTO the course content. These calls are recorded so watching them live isn't necessary, BUT it's important to know that you're not receiving last year's recycled content.

A Supportive Facebook Community

WOW! is about SO MUCH MORE Wearing Our Word! It's a brilliant community of women who are ready to live WILDY, BOLDLY, COURAGEOUSLY! It’s where you’ll post your WOW! outfit pics, flex your brave muscle, try new things, and support your "sisters" as you travel the path of integrating your word/your work into your lifeSTYLE.

Daily Style Challenges

There are daily style challenges/prompts designed to bring you back INTO your body, reconnect you with your feels, explore, play + discover what your WORD looks like, and do the brave work of showing up, as you are, in all your BEAUTY!

Facebook Live Q+A Sessions

Every week that WOW is in session, I'll hop on Facebook LIVE to answer your Q's, ON THE FLY! Might even go LIVE a couple times a week just to be sure we have an opportunity to connect no matter WHAT timezone you're in!

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ONCE YOUR PAYMENT HAS POSTED, I’LL SEND YOU A GIFT CERTIFICATE (registration instructions included).

Some A’s to your Q’s

+ When does the WOW! Worskhop begin?

The course OFFICIALLY begins on Monday, January 4th, 2021. But that doesn't mean we won't get started early in the Facebook group, so that when January 4th rolls around, we're ready to go!

+ How long do I have access to the WOW! Workshop?

You will have FOREVER access to all WOW! Workshop 2021 course materials on Teachable, which includes all pre-recorded videos, all live class call (Zoom) recordings, and all worksheets. The Facebook group will CLOSE after the course is complete.

+ Do I have to join Facebook to take this class?

Nope, you don't. The WOW! Workshop curriculum is VERY strong all on its own, and is something you could easily complete as a self-study, especially if you are committed to giving it your best shot. That said, the FB community is where CONNECTION happens. It's a powerful and inspiring place to witness and experience collective braving + collective healing, like nothing you've ever seen before.

+ I haven't taken Style School. Is this class for me?

HELL YES this class is for you! In fact, it's been designed specifically for women who have NOT taken Style School. I spent MONTHS fusing the tenets of SSS into this curriculum, so that you could DO THIS WORK without having SSS under your belt. If you HAVE done Style School already... well then sister, buckle up, 'cuz you know what's coming!

+ Is this class for women only, or can men and/or non-binary folks join too?

All people who live as a woman, or identify as a woman, are welcome in the WOW! Sisterhood. This includes cis-gendered women, trans-women, and non-binary folks who feel as though they belong in a community of women. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜